Kim Harries


          Originally from Bakersfield, where I was lucky enough to have parents who allowed me to grow up riding,  I learned about horse care from the ground up and had the good fortune to work with some amazing people.  I was the kid that was at the barn from sun up to sun down, riding any extra horses, grooming for extra money etc.  I moved to Santa Ynez shortly after I started my own business and had a wonderful group of horses that all came with me.  I love living in the Santa Ynez Valley,  it’s very “horsey” here, with beautiful farms and wonderful people.   I’ve been here around 12 years and have made life-long friends whom I consider my family. 

          At the age of 42 I decided to go back to school and finish my degree in Kinesiology, the study of human movement.  Earning my degree allowed me the concentrated learning time to really delve into how our bodies move and work, and why.  During that same time I fell in love with Pilates.  The strength that can be developed from the core of the body is absolutely amazing for riding. I’ve always been a little “left handed” when I ride.  I think we all have a tendency to be slightly one-sided. With Pilates you are immediately aware of any inconsistencies in your body, and are able to work evenly in a whole new way.  I became certified through Body Arts and Sciences and began teaching Pilates at a fantastic local studio, Bilancia Pilates.  At Bilancia I am able to further my knowledge of movement by training clients to move in the most optimal way, many of them riders, who enjoy a stronger core, pain-free back and longer, leaner muscles.   I also teach Barre class here in the Valley at the YMCA and Bilancia and am a Certified Personal Trainer. 

            I was originally introduced to Cold Laser Therapy, or Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) when one of my dogs began to limp.  Teddy had been battling arthritis from middle-age and now, at 14, it was only getting worse.  I spoke to my vet and he recommended LLLT.  Teddy would limp on his left front, but it turned out it wasn’t on the left side at all, it was in his neck.  After three laser therapy sessions the limp was gone.  I was amazed.  I immediately started thinking about how this could help horses and dogs, (and people), with everything from arthritis to soft tissue injuries, to chronic pain. I love to see the responses from the horses when I begin the wellness treatment, which addresses pain and stiffness in their top line, neck, and back, they just love it.  After I treat for general wellness and overall circulation, removing inflammation in the body, then I go to individual points on the body known to be a problem for that specific horse, such as; sore front feet, ankles, suspensories, tendons, hocks, low back, etc.  The treatment can take anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes and because the laser is hand-held I can use it anywhere.  The horses and dogs respond so favorably to the treatment that I usually perform treatments in the stall or wherever they are most comfortable.  The cost of the treatment is $75.  I wanted to make it affordable for people so that they can see how valuable it really is.  

          Southern Cross blends the love of horses with optimal movement, health and healing.